Spousal Eligibility

Spousal Eligibility for Health Coverage under the CEBCO/Anthem Plan

Spouses that do not have access to healthcare through an employer or retirement plan are eligible to join the CEBCO health insurance program as a covered dependent. However, if a spouse is eligible to participate in a group health insurance plan (sponsored by his/her employer) or any public or private retirement plan, he or she will not be eligible for coverage under the County's health insurance plan. 

Spousal eligibility for health insurance is determined when an employee is first hired, annually during the Open Enrollment period, or mid-year if a spouse gains eligibility to join the CEBCO health insurance plan period by completing the below form:

Spousal Eligibility Certificate 2024

Spousal eligibility guidelines are outlined further in the Union County Resolution Regarding Spousal Eligibility.

Please note this exclusion only applies to health insurance; therefore, spouses may be covered under the CEBCO dental and/or vision insurance plans as long as dependent verification procedures are followed.