Record Collections

The Union County Records Center provides access to a large number of records of fiscal, legal and historical importance. The records are non-circulating –  i.e.  they may not be checked out like the books in a public library.  They may be researched in the reading room of the Records Center and Archives.  Photocopies can be provided.  Below is a list by department of the collections that are currently available through the Records Center & Archives.  This is  NOT  a complete list, but only a list of the inventory that has been completed up to this time.  Currently, the inventory only includes bound volumes –  i.e.  books.  Records that are exclusively confidential pursuant to state and federal laws or can only be accessed through the office of origin are not listed.  

   Record Collections   
  Board of County Commissioners  
Board of Education
  Board of Elections  
  Board of Fund Commissioners  
  Board of Railroad Appraisers and Assessors  
  Board of Revision  
  Board of School Examiners  
  Budget Commission  
  Children's Services Board (Children's Home)  
  Clerk of Courts  
County Court
  County Home (Infirmary)  
  Dog Warden  
  Jury Commission  
  Probate Court  
Sinking Fund Trustees