Plat (Tax) Maps (1846-1994)

In 1846, Alfred Kelley, Representative from Cuyahoga County, introduced legislation into the Ohio General Assembly that provided for taxation by a uniform rule.  All property, real and personal, were taxed at their true value, except what might be expressly exempted.  The act required county auditors to provide to the district tax assessors information containing a description of each tract and lot of real property within the assessors’ district with the owners’ name and the number of acres that they owned.  It also obligated the auditor to deliver to each assessor “a map of each township and town within such district, with such plat books as may be necessary to enable the district assessor to make a correct plat of each section, survey and tract, in his district.”  This section of the tax code remained in revisions to the taxation system in 1853 and 1859 when new property appraisements were authorized.

Legislation in 1868 directed that beginning in 1870 maps were to be made “and every tenth year thereafter”.  In 1913, the power of overseeing the creation of tax maps was shifted from the county auditor to the county commissioners.  The legislature authorized the making of tax maps only when “in the opinion of the county commissioners” it was necessary for “the proper appraisal of real estate”.

This system was maintained when the current Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) was created in 1952.  Currently, the legislation is encompassed in O.R.C. 5713.09 entitled Tax Maps of Subdivisions .  It was last updated in 1969 and reads as follows:

The board of county commissioners may designate the county engineer to provide for making, correcting, and keeping up to date a complete set of tax maps of the county, and shall employ the necessary number of assistants. Such maps shall show all original lots and parcels of land, and all divisions, subdivisions, and allotments thereof, with the name of the owner of each original lot or parcel and of each division, subdivision, or lot, all new divisions, subdivisions, or allotments made in the county, all transfers of property, showing the lot or parcel of land transferred, the name of the grantee, and the date of the transfer so that such maps shall furnish the county auditor, for entering on the tax duplicate, a correct and proper description of each lot or parcel of land offered for transfer. Such maps shall be for the use of the county board of revision and the auditor, and shall be kept in the office of the auditor.

With the advent of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping technology in the 1990s, tax maps drafted by the county engineer became obsolete.  The county auditor, once again, oversees and coordinates the mapping system in conjunction with the county engineer.  Orthophotos are shot and overlaid on a master map of the county.  These electronic maps depict buildings, land characteristics and uses, property lines, soil types, hydrography, along with containing property owners as well as political boundaries.

Please note that the plat (tax) maps are divided into two categories - Township Plat (Tax) Maps and Village Plat (Tax) Maps.




Allen Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1853 1900 1950 1972 1985 1990
1859 1910 1955 1975 1986 1991
1870 1925 1960 1980 1987 1992
1880 1932 1965 1982 1988 1993
1890 1944 1970 1984 1989 1994
Claibourne Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1846 1900 1950 1972 1985 1992
1853 1910 1955 1975 1986 1993
1870 1925 1960 1980 1989 1994
1880 1932 1965 1982 1990
1890 1944 1970 1984 1991
Darby Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1859 1910 1955 1982 1988 1993
1870 1925 1960 1984 1989 1994
1880 1932 1970 1985 1990
1890 1944 1975 1986 1991
1900 1950 1980 1987 1992
Dover Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1859 1910 1955 1975 1986 1991
1870 1925 1960 1980 1987 1992
1880 1932 1965 1982 1988 1993
1890 1944 1970 1984 1989 1994
1900 1950 1972 1985 1990
Jackson Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1846 1900 1950 1972 1985 1990
1853 1910 1955 1975 1986 1991
1870 1925 1960 1980 1987 1992
1880 1932 1965 1982 1988 1993
1890 1944 1970 1984 1989 1994
Jerome Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1859 1910 1955 1975 1986 1991
1870 1925 1960 1980 1987 1992
1880 1932 1965 1982 1988 1993
1890 1944 1970 1984 1989 1994
1900 1950 1972 1985 1990
Leesburg Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1925 1960 1980 1987 1993
1880 1932 1965 1982 1989 1994
1890 1944 1970 1984 1990
1900 1950 1972 1985 1991
1910 1955 1975 1986 1992
Liberty Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1853 1900 1950 1975 1986 1991
1859 1910 1955 1980 1987 1992
1870 1925 1960 1982 1988 1993
1880 1932 1965 1984 1989 1994
1890 1944 1970 1985 1990
Millcreek Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1925 1960 1980 1987 1992
1880 1932 1965 1982 1988 1993
1890 1944 1970 1984 1989 1994
1900 1950 1972 1985 1990
1910 1955 1975 1986 1991
Paris Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1853 1910 1960 1975 1985 1990
1870 1925 1964 1977 1986 1991
1880 1932 1965 1980 1987 1992
1890 1950 1970 1982 1988 1993
1900 1955 1972 1984 1989 1994
Taylor Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1925 1960 1980 1987 1992
1880 1932 1965 1982 1988 1993
1890 1944 1970 1984 1989 1994
1900 1950 1972 1985 1990
1910 1955 1975 1986 1991
Union Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1859 1910 1955 1980 1987 1992
1870 1925 1960 1982 1988 1993
1880 1932 1965 1984 1989 1994
1890 1944 1970 1985 1990
1900 1950 1975 1986 1991
Washington Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1846 1900 1955 1980 1988 1994
1853 1910 1960 1982 1989
1859 1925 1965 1984 1990
1870 1932 1970 1985 1991
1880 1944 1972 1986 1992
1890 1950 1975 1987 1993
York Township Plat (Tax) Maps
1846 1890 1944 1970 1985 1991
1853 1900 1950 1975 1986 1992
1859 1910 1955 1980 1988 1993
1870 1925 1960 1982 1989 1994
1880 1932 1965 1984 1990




Arnold Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1900 1925 1950 1965 1984 1988
1910 1932 1955 1975 1985 1994
Broadway Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
1871 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1880 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
Byhalia Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1880 1910 1965 1984 1992
1890 1925 1975 1985 1994
1900 1932 1976 1988
Claibourne Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1880 1910 1950 1969 1985
1890 1925 1955 1975 1988
1900 1932 1965 1984 1994
East Dover Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1890 1925 1955 1984 1992
1900 1932 1965 1985 1994
1910 1950 1975 1988
Essex Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
1871 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1880 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
Irwin (Irwin Station) Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1871 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
Jerome (Frankfort) Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
1871 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1880 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
Magnetic Springs Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1880 1910 1950 1982 1987 1992
1890 1925 1965 1984 1989 1994
1900 1932 1975 1985 1990
Maple Dell Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1890 1925 1955 1984 1994
1900 1932 1965 1985
1910 1950 1975 1988
Marysville Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1925 1960 1979 1987 1993
1871 1932 1964 1980 1988 1994
1880 1943 1965 1982 1989
1890 1950 1973 1984 1990
1900 1955 1975 1985 1991
1910 1958 1978 1986 1992
Milford Center (Milford) Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1871 1910 1955 1982 1987 1991
1880 1925 1965 1984 1988 1992
1890 1932 1975 1985 1989 1994
1900 1950 1976 1986 1990
New California Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1984 1994
1871 1900 1932 1965 1985
1880 1910 1950 1975 1988
New Dover (Dover) Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1984 1994
1871 1900 1932 1965 1985
1880 1910 1950 1975 1988
Oraville Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1890 1925 1955 1984 1994
1900 1932 1965 1985
1910 1950 1975 1988
Peoria Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1871 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1880 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
Pharisburg Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1984 1994
1871 1900 1932 1965 1985
1880 1910 1950 1975 1988
Plain City (Pleasant Valley) Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1984 1992
1871 1900 1932 1965 1985 1994
1880 1910 1950 1975 1988
Pottersburg Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
1871 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1880 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
Raymond (Newton) Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
1871 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1880 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
Richwood Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1910 1955 1980 1988 1993
1871 1924 1965 1982 1989 1994
1880 1925 1969 1984 1990
1890 1932 1975 1985 1991
1900 1950 1976 1986 1992
Somersville (Summerville) Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
1871 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1880 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
Union Center Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1925 1965 1984 1992
1890 1950 1975 1985 1994
1900 1955 1976 1988
Unionville Center (Unionville) Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1976 1988
1871 1900 1932 1965 1984 1992
1880 1910 1950 1975 1985 1994
Watkins Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1846 1890 1932 1975 1988
1870 1900 1950 1976 1992
1871 1910 1955 1984 1994
1880 1925 1965 1985
Woodland Village Plat (Tax) Maps
York Center Village Plat (Tax) Maps
1870 1890 1925 1955 1984 1994
1871 1900 1932 1965 1985
1880 1910 1950 1975 1988