Union County is seeking written sealed proposals from qualified Cloud service providers for the following Information Technology services: VMWare-based or VMWare compatible virtual computing environment (physical hosts, disk storage, data center hosting, local network), backup/recovery services, network, security, system management, system monitoring, and disaster recovery services.
Complete proposal details and additional information is available online at https://www.unioncountyohio.gov/CloudServicesRFP2024 or upon request through Union County via email at bidresponse@unioncountyohio.gov.
Union County will evaluate and rank all conforming proposals. The County may conduct discussions with offerors to ensure a full understanding of the proposal. The County will enter into negotiations with the offeror who submits the proposal the County determines is the most advantageous to the County. The County may negotiate sequentially with more than one offeror.
Proposals must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. EST on October 18, 2024 at the Union County Commissioners Office, 233 West Sixth Street, Marysville, Ohio 43040. The submitted proposal shall be clearly marked “Proposal for Cloud Services” on the front of the envelope or the top of the package that encloses the proposal documents.
All proposals will be opened at 3:00 p.m. EST on October 18, 2024 in the Union County Commissioners hearing room located at 233 West Sixth Street, Marysville, Ohio. At that time, proposals will be opened publicly, logged, and the proposal company name and grand total read aloud. Respondents are not required to be present at the proposal opening. Each proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties submitting the proposal and all persons interested therein.
Union County reserves all rights under section 307.862(B)(10) of the Revised Code. The County reserves the right to cancel or reissue the request for proposals if any of the following apply: (1) the supplies or services offered through all of the proposals submitted are not in compliance with the requirements, specifications, and terms and conditions in the Request for Proposals; (2) the prices submitted are excessive compared to existing market conditions or exceed the available funds of the County; or (3) the County determines that award of a contract would not be in the best interest of the County.